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Craig Nichol
Associate Department Head, Associate Professor of Teaching
Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences
Office: SCI 306Phone: 250.807.8087
Email: craig.nichol@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Hydrogeology and vadose zone processes; regional groundwater resources; surface water and groundwater interactions; agricultural irrigation efficiency and nitrate leaching; agricultural greenhouse gas production; acid rock drainage and mine reclamation; soil physics. Geoscience education.
Courses & Teaching
EESC 111 Earth and Environmental Sciences; EESC 121 Earth History; EESC 342 Hydrogeology; EESC 335 Field Techniques; EESC 350 Exploration Geophysics; EESC 429 Contaminant Transport; EESC 551 Advanced Soil Physics; EESC 551 Groundwater Contamination and Transport; EESC 551 Groundwater Chemistry
PhD, Hydrogeology, University of British Columbia
MSc, Hydrogeology, University of Birmingham
BA, (Honours), Geology, Cambridge University
Research Interests & Projects
Geoscience Education
- Water use, nutrient management and greenhouse gas emissions in irrigated agriculture.
- The movement of nitrate in the unsaturated zone under different irrigation regimes.
- Pore scale and macro-scale variation of contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone under transient infiltration.
Unsaturated Zone:
- Water use, nutrient management and greenhouse gas emissions in irrigated agriculture.
- The movement of nitrate in the unsaturated zone under different irrigation regimes.
- Pore scale and macro-scale variation of contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone under transient infiltration.
- Acid rock drainage and mine reclamation
Water Resources:
- Quaternary stratigraphy and the hydrogeology of valley fill aquifer systems.
- Surface water and groundwater interactions
- Effects of groundwater and streamflow on stream temperature.
Research Projects
Currently accepting graduate students in geoscience education only.
2012 – 2016 Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
Summary: Multi-year investigation of greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated grape vineyards and apple orchards.
People: Dr. Mesfin Fentabil (Phd), Dr. Melanie Jones, Dr. Louise Nelson, Dr. Andrew Midwood,
Partners: Agriculture and AgriFood Canada: Dr. Denise Neilsen, Dr. Gerry Neilsen, Dr. Tom Forge.
Funding: Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program
Surface Water Groundwater Interactions in Kelowna
People: Nicole Pyett (Msc).
Partners: Okanagan Basin Water Board
Funding: Okanagan Basin Water Board, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
Nitrogen cycling and leaching in raspberry plantings
People: Shawn Kuchta (MSc), Nathalie Armstrong (MSc), Dr. Denise Neilsen, Dr. Tom Forge.
Partners: Agriculture and AgriFood Canada
Funding: Agriculture and AgriFood Canada
Summary: Multi-year experiment on raspberry production in Abbottsford examining cycling and leaching of nitrate from fertilizer sources into the vadose zone and to the water table.
Surface Water Groundwater Interactions and the presence of Salmonids in Fortune Creek
People: Elinor McGrath (M.Sc.), Dr. Adam Wei Funding: Pacific Salmon Foundation and the Fraser River Watershed Program (2007-2010)
Partners: Township of Spallumcheen, City of Armstrong, Pacific Salmon Foundation (major funding source), Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Summary: Fish habitat, groundwater – surface water interaction and stratigraphy of the Fortune Creek watershed.
Completed Thesis
Water Sustainability under Climate Change and Increasing Demand: a One Water Approach at a Watershed Scale
People: Principle Investigators – Dr. Adam Wei (lead), Dr. Craig Nichol, Dr. John Janmaat, Dr. Alan Woodbury (University of Manitoba)
Funding: NSERC Strategic Grant Program (2008-2011)
Partners: Ministry of Environment, Township of Spallumcheen, City of Armstrong, Dr. Dirk Kirste (SFU).
Summary: Surface water and groundwater interaction in the Deep Creek watershed, and the hydrogeochemical characterization of the North Okanagan Aquifers.
North Okanagan Groundwater Characterization and Assessment
People: Dr. Jianhua Ping (Post-Doctoral Researcher), Dr. Adam Wei.
Funding: Agricultural Water Supply Expansion Program (2005-2010) Partners: Ministry of Environment (lead), Township of Spallumcheen, City of Armstrong, Geological Survey of Canada, SFU and more.
Summary: Groundwater modeling and geochemical characterization of the North Okanagan aquifer system.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Selected Grants & Awards
2014 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Thomas Keefer Medal
The Keefer Medal, established in 1942, is presented annually for the best civil engineering paper in hydrotechnical, transportation or environmental engineering. (CSCE).
UBC News Story
Dobchuk, B., C. Nichol, G.W. Wilson, and M. Aubertin. 2013. Evaluation of a Single-LayerDesulphurizedTailings Cover.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 50(7): 777-792, 10.1139/cgj-2012-0119
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Registered Professional Geoscientist in British Columbia
Okanagan Basin Water Board Water Stewardship Committee
Founder and Faculty Sponsor Varsity Outdoor Club Okanagan